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Stonelaying and two book launches

Marinus Boezem, Hans van Houwelingen

Stone laying, Book launch

25 September 2016
10 am – 1 pm
Damplein, Middelburg (Map)

Free Entrance

Curator: Marinus Boezem

Stonelaying and two book launches | Marinus Boezem, Hans van Houwelingen

One year ago, the last part of the manifestation Boezem & Co. De stad als podium took place. The end of this manifestation will be celebrated with the release of two new publications, Porsche Academie and Het Syndroom van Stendhal – op zoek naar een archetypisch beeld van schoonheid, and the stonelaying by Hans van Houwelingen at Podio del Mondo per l’Arte.

Stone by Hans van Houwelingen

Hans van Houwelingen


Stone by Hans van Houwelingen | Hans van Houwelingen

In 1975, Marinus Boezem occupied the former Grain Exchange in Middelburg and transformed it into an international art institution. He named himself director of this Podio del Mondo per l’Arte. Since then, he invites Dutch and foreign artists every now and then to design a stone with a text or image for his museum. In the original idea for the Porsche Academie, the professors would give their inaugural speech at the Podio del Mondo per l’Arte.

Marinus Boezem has invited Hans van Houwelingen, one of the professors of the Porsche Academie, to make a proposal for a new stone. This stone will be laid on the 25th of September, after the release of the two publications.

Both Marinus Boezem and Hans van Houwelingen will speak before the stonelaying.


In 2015 Vleeshal kicked of its Nomadic Program, as an extension of its existing exhibition program in Middelburg. In its Nomadic Program Vleeshal goes on tour, organising exhibitions and other events in collaboration with venues in the Netherlands and abroad, such as Art Rotterdam, Amsterdam Art Weekend, the Spring Performance Festival, WIELS Art Book Fair, Brussels and Poppositions, Brussels.