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Space Sculptures

Marinus Boezem

Solo exhibition

15 September – 6 October 1979
Vleeshal (Map)

Marinus Boezem 
Exhibition overview
Wim Riemens photography | Space Sculptures | Marinus Boezem

This text is only available in Dutch

Tijdens de tentoonstelling Space Sculptures vond de performance L’Uomo Volante plaats.

Tentoongestelde werken

Space-sculpture (1978)
Materiaal: spiegels, manilla-touw
Afmeting: 300 × 200 cm.

Il Canto dell’Allodola (1979)
Materiaal: takken, manilla-touw, spiegels, cassetterecorder, continu tape
Afmeting: 500 × 200 cm.

Performance L’Uomo Volante