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The Bear in the Mirror

Simone Forti


€ 28


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Verlag Walther König
Nerijus Rimkus

Simone Forti’s The Bear in the Mirror is published by Vleeshal, Center for Contemporary Art in Middelburg (NL) and Koenig Books, Cologne (DE). Following Simone Forti’s solo show Here It Comes at Vleeshal Markt and Vleeshal Zusterstraat in 2016 – which included the performance of all Dance Constructions, a new interpretation of See Saw, and two unforgettable performances by Simone Forti and Charlemagne Palestine – Vleeshal’s director Roos Gortzak asked Simone Forti to collaborate on a book. Simone Forti proposed The Bear in the Mirror, which Gortzak gladly took on. Gortzak asked Nerijus Rimkus for the graphic design, as she felt a shared sensibility. After a close collaboration over an elongated period of time, Vleeshal is thrilled to launch Forti’s book now.



Since 2015, Vleeshal collaborates with Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem (NL). Master students are commissioned to create graphic identities for Vleeshal projects, in close dialogue with its director. In doing so, Vleeshal supports talented young graphic designers by giving them the opportunity to gain working experience and build a portfolio.