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Simone Forti, Charlemagne Palestine


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    Performed on 2 April 2016 (night)

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    Performed on 3 April 2016 (day)

From March 28 until April 2, Simone Forti and long-time collaborator Charlemagne Palestine used Vleeshal Markt as a rehearsal space to work on a new version of their Illuminations series, which were performed there on April 2 and April 3. Asked in an interview by Astrid Kaminski why she continues to make new work, Forti replied: "You could just as well ask: what about breakfast – will you still have breakfast in the morning?"

Both Forti and Palestine, who have collaborated since 1971, have performed in Middelburg before: Forti in 1980, when she participated in the interdisciplinary arts festival Forum, and Charlemagne Palestine on several occasions, including a solo show at Vleeshal in 1979 as well as various other concerts in Middelburg.

Commissioned for