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small wares & hard wares

Katie Schwab


small wares & hard wares | Katie Schwab

Treating Vleeshal's brickwork as a giant darning cloth, the work small wares & hard wares danced across the walls during Katie Schwab's 2021 solo exhibition. She wove this small ware with passementerie-expert Veva van der Wolf at the TextielLab in Tilburg. Created on a band-weaving loom from 1880, the ribbons incorporate a myriad of stripes and holes in silk, cotton and linen. Embracing the spirit of sampling, the ribbon eschews uniformity and includes a myriad of stripes, holes and repairs in silk, cotton and linen. The vivid oranges and pinks of the ribbon’s warp make reference to madder, a plant-dye that was historically grown across the region of Zeeland—a technique that Katie Schwab explored during her spring 2021 residency at Cove Park, Scotland.

Commissioned for


Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.

From time to time Vleeshal invites guest curators to organize exhibitions in the Vleeshal or to develop other projects. By doing so, we aim to welcome new perspectives and contribute to talent development.