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As Long As the Potatoes Grow

Pieter Slagboom


€ 33


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Roos Gortzak, Julia Geerlings, Martha Kirszenbaum
Vleeshal Publications

Published as part of


For decades Vleeshal is invested in the development of publications. Books published by Vleeshal are internationally appreciated for their experimental content and form. At Vleeshal, a publication is never 'merely' about documentation of a past exhibition, but rather about creating an 'extension' of an artistic project, generating meaning in the present, and thus allowing the project to live on after the exhibition.

Vleeshal publishes monographs, critical analyses, catalogues and books on artists who have exhibited at the Vleeshal. It works with international publishers and distributors, including Hatje Cantz, Walther König and Sternberg Press, to expand the reach of its independent and small-scale publications. Visit our Shop to buy one of our publications.

Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.