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We is o.k.

Eran Schaerf

Solo exhibition

9 September – 16 October 1994
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Lex ter Braak

Eran Schaerf , 1994 
'We is o.k.'
Wim Riemens photography | We is o.k. | Eran Schaerf

Although Eran Schaerf (1962) appeared on the last 'Documenta', the Venice biennial (Aperto) and 'Sonsbeek' (1993), he is not yet very well known in the Netherlands. This may soon be subject to change, as he will also participate in the group exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent. In October, a collaboration project with Jan van Grunsven in Urban Bureau Amsterdam will take place. In 1995 he will exhibit in Portikus, Frankfurt am Main. His work for the Vleeshal is his first large-scale project and his first solo presentation in The Netherlands.