The Dream and the Line-Man
Connie Beckley
Solo exhibition
18 May – 9 June 1984
Vleeshal (Map)
Curator: Anton van Gemert
We live in a time when bonafide geniuses are not appreciated. The extraordinary advance in technology has sparked in us a sense of amazement. We are no longer amazed at the complicated mechanics of the video-chess, and we play to win. We accept the special effects of the cinema as self-evident and we become harsh critics when we discover any flaws. God help the poor genius if he shows us even a simple trick. We, the blasted audience saturated with flashes of super technology, remain completely untouched. And that's no wonder. As research becomes increasingly incomprehensible, we readily accept the shiny plastic boxes, which contain the parts of our vehicles, communication equipment and thinking machines. We cannot understand them and so we will no longer even try.