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Suchan Kinoshita

Solo exhibition

14 April – 13 May 1995
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Lex ter Braak

Suchan Kinoshita, 'Stof', 1995. Photo: Leo van Kampen | Stof | Suchan Kinoshita

The work of Suchan Kinoshita is often better known by hearsay than through personal viewing. This has to do with the places she exhibited (PS1, New York; the highway, Maastricht) and the nature of her work. For example, for 'the Celibate's Suitcase', (Maastricht 1995), her work consisted of the opportunity to travel 24 hours with her into an unknown destination. What remained of the trip was the story and the memory. The element that connects these works is the desire to make the viewer, and thus the present time and place, an essential part of the work.