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Relaxation session

Andrea Éva Győri


12 May 2018
3 – 4:30 pm
Vleeshal (Map)

Within the framework of Andrea Éva Győri’s solo exhibition Traumatized Lemon, Vleeshal organised a relaxation workshop.

Touching upon themes that are often left untouched, Győri pleads for a breaking down of taboos and a pushing of the invisible boundaries between public and private. Topics like well-being, health, mental and physical diseases run through her practice. For her exhibition at Vleeshal, Győri developed a new series of drawings, sculptures and videos that offer an openhearted insight into how she handles cancer.

During the public program Andrea Éva Győri engaged in a series of exercises with the audience – both collectively and individually – in which she focussed on the relation between body and mind. Győri was inspired by the American molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn who has developed a mindfulness training that has appeared to be effective in relieving stress, anxiety, pain and chronic diseases such as cancer. The artist also developed her own set of rituals, such as the squeezing of lemons.