Chili Pepper Pleasure
Vivian Suter
3 July 2022
3 – 4:30 pm
Vleeshal (Map)
Free Entrance

This special pepper tasting served as a public program for Worm in a Water Glass and festively marked the ending of the exhibition by Vivian Suter.
“Curiosity is like the salt and chili to your life”, Vivian Suter once said. We never forgot that chili, and it seems to open up interesting new perspectives onto Suter's exhibition. In Chili Pepper Pleasure, Roland van Dierendonck and Maro Pebo, together with participants, explored the fascinating substance ‘capsaicin’, which is the active ingredient in chili peppers. By opening up their senses to their environment, as Vivian Suter does as well, participants discovered the versatility of this special substance in an empirical tasting.
The participants enjoyed carefully curated pepper pairings that are representative of local cuisines from ancient Aztec traditions and recipes of Mesoamerica, in quantified, increasing levels of spiciness, exploring the limits of pleasure through pain.