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Uri Tzaig

Solo exhibition

5 September – 18 October 1998
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Lex ter Braak

Uri Tzaig, 1998
Exhibition overview | Tempo | Uri Tzaig

The artist Uri Tzaig (1965) is internationally recognised as one of the most interesting upcoming Israeli artists. He participated in the critically-acclaimed exhibition ‘This is the show’ (Ghent 1995); represented in 1995 at the Venice Biennale in 199; and in 1996 he was one of the participants in ‘Manifesta 1’ (Rotterdam), and his work was shown on ‘Documenta X’ (1997).

As main program in the Vleeshal, Uri Tzaig shows his latest video film 'Tempo' (1998). The video is a montage of 60 sequences each lasting one minute. The recordings for that minute have been made by Uri Tzaig all over the world according to the same principle: with the static camera. Coincidence then determines what is in the picture. The assembly of these fragments creates an exciting collage that puts thought and vision into motion.