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Stage Left

Zahar Bondar, Eglė Budvytytė, Jae Pil Eun, Rory Pilgrim & Robyn Haddon

Performance program

19 April 2025
12 – 4 pm
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Roos Gortzak

Graphic identity: Seda Yıldırım | Stage Left | Zahar Bondar, Eglė Budvytytė, Jae Pil Eun, Rory Pilgrim & Robyn Haddon

Vleeshal bus

The Vleeshal bus drives from Amsterdam via Rotterdam to Middelburg (and back):

10:45 Departure Amsterdam, Mauritskade 57
12:00 Stop Rotterdam, Metro station Kralingse Zoom
13:30 Arrival Vleeshal, Middelburg

Tickets for the Vleeshal bus
One-way ticket: € 10
Return ticket: € 15

To reserve your bus ticket(s), please send an email to

Vleeshal cordially invites you to Stage Left, a performance program as well as the public goodbye of Roos Gortzak, on Saturday, April 19, 2025, from 14:00-18:00

The program will feature performances by Eglė Budvytytė, Jae Pil Eun, Rory Pilgrim and Robyn Haddon and an object by Zahar Bondar which will be activated by a speech by Roos Gortzak.


This project was made possible by the generous support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the municipality of Middelburg.