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Paul de Nooijer

Solo exhibition

22 February – 21 March 1987
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Anton van Gemert

Paul de Nooijer 
Floorplan | Squares | Paul de Nooijer

In the Vleeshal two aspects of space have been brought together: the ordinary people who use space travel through, and the articulation of space itself, especially the tile pattern of the floor. It is a three-dimensional photo work, an installation resulting from a photo shoot, drawn in a diagonally-placed square. The point of departure is once again the magic of the photographic point of view. Even though the strategy seems simple and logical, three shots are taken from a fixed position and height of all people. The camera is first focused on the feet and then slowly turned upwards to shoot a picture twice straight forward and obliquely upwards. This reversal of the camera position is tripled into space itself by laying the three series in identical carres flat on the ground. Additionally, there is always a picture taken from above.