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Oemoemenoe #4: Oval Window

broeder Dieleman, Janne van Gilst, Ingrid van de Linde, Syzygy

Group exhibition

25 July – 14 September 2024
Praathuisje Yerseke, Meerpaalweg 30 (Map)

Curator: Adriënne van der Werf

Photo: Anda van Riet | Oemoemenoe #4: Oval Window | broeder Dieleman, Janne  van Gilst, Ingrid van de Linde, Syzygy

For this fourth edition of 'Oemoemenoe', Vleeshal invited the collective Syzygy (Brieke Drost, Mireille Tap en Veerle Melis) to create an exhibition with artists from Zeeland in a ‘praathuisje’ (translation: conversation pavillion) at the harbor in Yerseke. Syzygy invited artists Ingrid van de Linde, broeder Dieleman and Janne van Gilst and together they developed the exhibition Oval Window, which was on view in the pavilion from July 25 to September 14 2024. The artworks in this exhibition were combined with photographs of boats that are collected by the men who use the pavilion.

The title Oval Window is based on the part of the human auditory system of the same name. The oval window in our ear is essential for hearing, similar to how the ‘praathuisje’ is a window for stories and traditions of the local community. By collaborating with the users of the ‘praathuisje’ – mainly local (male) residents meet each other here to look at the harbor and the Oosterschelde – Syzygy and the artists they invited brought new perspectives and dialogues to this special place.

The opening took place on July 24 from 3 to 5pm. On September 14 there was a finissage during which all artists, curator Adriënne van der Werf and director of Vleeshal, Roos Gortzak were present to restore the pavilion to its original state.


Oemoemenoe started in 2023 as part of the Local Nomadic Program. For Oemoemenoe, contemporary artists are invited to develop a project in collaboration with local associations and businesses in Zeeland - sports clubs, swimming pools, hotels, and restaurants. We bring visitors into contact with contemporary art in various special places in Zeeland and invite artists who give us possible directions on which way to go. They question, each in their own way, the accepted norm through their artistic practice.

Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.

This project is made possible by the Mondiaan Fund.