Benefit Exhibition
Lara Almarcegui, Dario D'Aronco, Tamara Dees, Janne van Gilst, Melissa Gordon, David Jablonowski, Job Koelewijn, Martin Kohout, Christiaan van der Kooy, Germaine Kruip, Joep van Lieshout, Giel Louws, Hans Overvliet, Magali Reus, Mandla Reuter, Amanda Ross-Ho, Cally Spooner, Jay Tan, Jennifer Tee, Remco Torenbosch, Ola Vasiljeva, Marijke van Warmerdam
Group exhibition
26 November – 4 December 2016
Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Map)

From November 26 to December 4, a benefit exhibition was on show at Vleeshal Zusterstraat. This exhibition was organised in support of the Vleeshal, which was suffering from diminished municipal subsidies. Within this exhibition Vleeshal offered for sale a range of artworks by many important artists, with whom Vleeshal has collaborated in the past. The group of works on show and for sale were of the upmost quality and variety, and include paintings, sculptures, sound works, and ephemeral performance art,
By purchasing an artwork both the Vleeshal and the artist were supported. 50% of the proceeds from the work was allocated to the artist, while the other 50% was given to the Vleeshal.
A list of works can be downloaded here.
Lara Almarcegui
Dario D'Aronco
Tamara Dees
Janne van Gilst
Melissa Gordon
David Jablonowski
Job Koelewijn
Martin Kohout
Christiaan van der Kooy
Germaine Kruip
Joep van Lieshout
Giel Louws
Hans Overvliet
Magali Reus
Mandla Reuter
Amanda Ross-Ho
Cally Spooner
Jay Tan
Jennifer Tee
Remco Torenbosch
Ola Vasiljeva
Marijke van Warmerdam
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