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Leontine Coelewij



In 1995, curators Leontine Coelewij and Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen created the high-profile exhibition Wild Walls at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. This focused on the work of young artists, many of whom used new media. The title Wild Walls refers to the ‘wild walls’ of a film set, movable walls used to change a setting. Pipilotti Rist showed a large video installation entitled Search WOLKEN/SUCH Clouds. Coelewij was also part of the purchasing committee of Vleeshal / Stichting Beeldende Kunst Middelburg that year, with which she purchased a variation on this work by Pipilotti Rist entitled Grossmut begatte mich. For Near Focus, she wrote a text based on memories she recalled with Van Nieuwenhuyzen.

Text is only available in Dutch.

Commissioned for