The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA), Özlem Altin, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Ola Vasiljeva, Marianne Vierø
Group exhibition
13 September – 13 December 2015
Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Map)
Curator: The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA)

University brought together works by the following members of the Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA): Özlem Altin, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Ola Vasiljeva and Marianne Vierø.
University played with the idea of experimental pedagogical systems, which formed a critique of society’s major ideological institutions. Such schools experimented with self-organised education and were founded in response to the intellectual bankruptcy and spiritual emptiness of the approved educational establishment. They proposed courses that opposed conservative educational programmes and idealised the unrestricted development of thought.
The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA) was founded in 2008 by Ola Vasiljeva as a similar experimental platform under the umbrella of contemporary art. Just as the Anti-University rejected so-called ‘conscious practices’, the OAOA sees the idea of 'un-learning' in relation to the critique of reason and sense in general. Here nonsense, fragmentation and forgetfulness triumph over reason, form, function and chronology. The show ran parallel and in dialogue with Ola Vasiljeva’s solo exhibition En Rachâchant at Vleeshal.
The entire installation of this exhibition was newly commissioned for the Vleeshal.
This project was made possible by the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund and the municipality of Middelburg.