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The Social Life of the Book


Solo exhibition

27 June – 12 September 2010
Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Map)

Curators: Thomas Boutoux, François Piron, Benjamin Thorel

'The Social Life of the Book' , exhibition view, 2010. Photo: Leo van Kampen | The Social Life of the Book | castillo/corrales

castillo/corrales is a collectively- and cooperatively- organized exhibition and event space located in Paris 19th arrondissement (Belleville). It was founded early 2007 as a space where a group of artists and independent curators and writers could put the diversity of their respective practices and views on art into discursive motion, organizing exhibitions and events – lectures, interviews, book launches… castillo/corrales also operates in its premises a bookshop called Section 7 Books and a publishing house: Paraguay Press

The exhibition The Social Life of the Book, which is organized by castillo/corrales specifically for the series of exhibitions Published By at De Vleeshal, brings together a selection of artists' works, publications and documents highlighting practices of artists and publishers who consider books less as finished objects or forms but for their disruptive potential and their ability to create new social situations for new relationships and new meanings.

The exhibition presents the undertakings of some contemporary artists and publishers to attend the circulation of texts and ideas through a multitude of ways besides the grand gesture of releasing a brand new book, and which includes practices as various as reprinting, translating, scanning, stealing, quoting, re-editing, etc.

With works, publications and documents by: Åbäke, Alias, Ayreen Anastas & Rene Gabri, Katinka Bock, Paul Chan, Moyra Davey, Aaron Flint Jamison, Dora García & Tina Bara, Will Holder, The National Grid, Maria Nordman, OEI, Seth Price, Primary Information, Amy Sillman, Matthew Stadler & Publication Studio