The Secret, catalog f10
Andreas Techler
Solo exhibition
8 November – 8 December 1991
Vleeshal (Map)
Curator: Ingrid Haan
'The Secret' of Andreas Techler. The creation of this exhibition in the Vleeshal took over a year. For the most part, this was due to what Techler perceived as a problem. In which way, without any loss of authenticity, could his work be represented within the gothic space and dimensions of the Vleeshal. Now it seems simple, but nothing is less true. For clarification: Techler's sculptures are manufactured from and in his home / studio in Düsseldorf. In his own way, he recycled the materials from a wooden barrack, which originally served as the office and laundry room of a former factory. In the end, this problem was solved by the conciliation of a sculpture made of the long heating pipes under the barrack. Thus, a connecting factor was found, a kind of framework that connects both Techler's dimensions to the dimensions of the hall, and the loose sculptures to an installation. We hope this publication and the following essay by Frank Vande Veire will serve as a guide to the interested visitor of Andreas Techler's mysterious installations.