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Safe Haven... or the aesthetic of safety

Goodwill, Marjo Kranenborg, Herman Verkerk, Lucas Verweij, Tobias Woldendorp

Group exhibition

24 January – 23 March 2003
Vleeshal (Map)

With lectures by Aaron Betsky, Dingeman Kuilman, Mark Wigley and Anna Tilroe

Curator: Guus Beumer

'Safe Haven... or the aesthetic of safety', 2003
Installation image | Safe Haven... or the aesthetic of safety | Goodwill, Marjo Kranenborg, Herman Verkerk, Lucas Verweij, Tobias Woldendorp

A project about the aesthetics of safety, organized by De Vleeshal and Guus Beumer, in collaboration with the Dutch Architecture Institute (NAi) and Premsela, Dutch Design Foundation.

With the cooperation of: Goodwill, Marjo Kranenborg, Herman Verkerk, Lucas Verweij and Tobias Woldendorp. And lectures by: Aaron Betsky, Dingeman Kuilman, Mark Wigley and Anna Tilroe.