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Rooms of Now #2

Eulàlia Garcia Valls

Audio, Installation

Rooms of Now #2 | Eulàlia  Garcia Valls

During her first visit Eulàlia was impressed by Yolanda and Harrie’s studio on the first floor. "This specific room has my interests, because it is full of personal belongings that contain memories, things that are stored in order to be remembered. For me, this project is related to the desire of holding onto things, yet the impossibility of capturing all." The installation, specially developed for this project, consists of an audio piece and an architectural intervention and was officially opened on Sunday June 2 in the presence of the artist and Yolanda and Harrie.


Rooms of Now is a project series in which an (inter)national artist is invited to create an artistic intervention in people's homes, in Middelburg. The title is borrowed from a photography project from the artist Maurice van Es, who realised the first edition of Rooms of Now. The series took place from 2019–2022.

Rooms of Now is the follow up of the public program So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood.