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Leaning Houses

Lena Henke


Leaning Houses | Lena Henke

For Vleeshal, Henke developed new ceramic sculptures entitled Leaning Houses. The artist is fascinated by Surrealism and in particular by the art movement’s close relationship to psychoanalysis and the way in which of humor and the subconscious are at play. In 2016, she visited the Bomarzo Garden in Italy, a garden of grotesque sculptures commissioned by Pier Francesco Orsini in the 16th century. For a previous exhibition, Henke made a ceramic miniature of the ‘crooked house’ (1552) that is part of Orsini's sculpture garden. This game with size and perception was the starting point for this new work.

Commissioned for


Lena Henke


From time to time Vleeshal invites guest curators to organize exhibitions in the Vleeshal or to develop other projects. By doing so, we aim to welcome new perspectives and contribute to talent development.

Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.