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Higher Truth no. 71

Roma Pas

Solo exhibition

27 January – 3 March 2002
Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Map)

Curator: Rutger Wolfson

Roma Pas, 'Higher Truth no. 71', exhibition view, 2002 | Higher Truth no. 71 | Roma Pas

‘Higher Truth no. 5’: Markt

The temptation of fashion is shown in its purest form, without a single article of clothing present. 'Higher Truth no. 5' demonstrates fashion's ability to call to mind a compelling atmosphere, that is indescribable and inexplicable. Fashion, in other words, as an experience, a temptation, a haze. And an exhibition space as the ultimate store, which recalls its own reality without involving a physical product.

'Higher Truth no. 71': Zusterstraat

Concurrently with 'Higher Truth No. 5', photos by Pas were shown in Vleeshal Zusterstraat. Roma Pas captured moments in the shadow of the fashion world.