Educational workshop small wares
1 December 2021
10 am – 12 pm
Vleeshal (Map)
For children aged 8+
This text is only available in Dutch
Bo de Jong ontwikkelde een workshop waarin leerlingen samenwerkten om een enorme stoplap te maken, geheel in de geest van Schwab’s collaboratieve textielpraktjk: Loop, Steek en Stop! In deze workshop werden kinderen uitgedaagd om spelenderwijs kennis te maken met abstracte begrippen zoals verbinden, dichten, opvullen, weven, maar ook met specifieke disciplines binnen de textielkunst en de ambachten hieromheen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld de principes of technieken van het stoppen en herstellen van stoffen.
Education is of great importance to Vleeshal. Its educational program accompanying the exhibitions is twofold. Firstly, for each child who visits the exhibition there is an educational assignment available at the counter. This assignment is based on the child's perception of the world. Secondly, Vleeshal organizes educational workshops for both primary school and secondary education. This workshop consists of a receptive part in which the schoolchildren or students view and discuss the exhibition, and a reflective part with a processing assignment.
If you want to book an educational workshop, you can contact us at