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Educational workshop Kinderkunstweek 2016 (Routine Pleasures)


10 April – 19 June 2016
Vleeshal (Map)

Free Entrance

For children aged 8+

Educational workshop Kinderkunstweek 2016 (Routine Pleasures)

This text is only available in Dutch

In groepjes of individueel konden kinderen op speurtocht gaan door de tentoonstelling Routine Pleasures van Melissa Gordon. Tijdens de speurtocht kregen zij de opdracht om verschillende verfklodders uit de schilderijen van Melissa Gordon terug te vinden in de tentoonstellingsruimte.

Deze workshop werd georganiseerd i.s.m. Zeeuws Museum


Education is of great importance to Vleeshal. Its educational program accompanying the exhibitions is twofold. Firstly, for each child who visits the exhibition there is an educational assignment available at the counter. This assignment is based on the child's perception of the world. Secondly, Vleeshal organizes educational workshops for both primary school and secondary education. This workshop consists of a receptive part in which the schoolchildren or students view and discuss the exhibition, and a reflective part with a processing assignment.

If you want to book an educational workshop, you can contact us at