Art Museum Museum Art | ME II | Mein van Gogh Museum | Mona Lisa Museum
Johan van Geluwe, Morton Kaplan, Hilmaar Litow, Jean Paul Vetter
Group exhibition
5 September – 15 November 1986
Vleeshal (Map)
Curator: Anton van Gemert

In the Vleeshal in Middelburg, until 16 November 1986 an exhibition will be shown under the above title. These are works or collections of Johan van Geluwe (Waregem Belgium), Morton Kaplan (Portland Oregon / Amsterdam), Hilmar Liptow (Hamburg), Pierre Jean Vetter (Amsterdam), as well as presentations by Robert Clicque / Bryan Green (Ghent / London), Frank Vandenberghe (Ghent), Sjoerd Paridaan (Ghent).
The central theme, as the title indicates, is the position of the museum context for contemporary art production and vice versa. This theme is explored using four completely different but in content related artists / collectors. Respectively: The Museum of Museums / The Art Recycling Terminal – M.E. II (me too / Morton - Eddy two) – Mein van Gogh Museum – The Mona Lisa Museum
On October 11 at 3 pm Roland Patteeuw (Artistic lover / publisher of editions about Dibbets, van Elk, Lucassen, Raveel, van Geluwe). They will lecture in the Vleeshal. Next, in the presence of the artists and the city council, the official offer of the first copy of the catalogue will take place. This consists of a cassette in which, apart from a summary photo and introduction, 4 cahiers are described as the work of the exhibiting artists. A small part of the edition (i.e. 40 copies) are issued as multiple, containing original work of each artist, numbered and signed; both versions are available from that time, the prices are respectively between 17.50 and 40.-.