Zooming in on Jupiter #2: Lecture on Jupiter
22 February 2019
6 – 7:30 pm
Public Observatory (Map)
Free Entrance
Public Program alongside the solo exhibition of Paul Maheke

The planet Jupiter plays an important role in Paul Maheke's current solo exhibition A fire circle for a public hearing. In a recent interview the artist explains his fascination with Jupiter: "In Astrology, Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, abundance and growth. The planet is very physically complex; it is full of enormous storms of gas and different types of matter and it is one of the biggest planets in our solar system. Within this exhibition, I see Jupiter as an allegory to think about how knowledge can translate into material form. One aspect of the exhibition is a performance that is not always visible, but it is always present. For me, Jupiter’s inclusion in the installation responds directly to the character of the oracle, embodied by one of the performers."
On the occasion of A fire circle for a public hearing Vleeshal invited astronomer Rijk-Jan Koppejan to give a lecture on the planet Jupiter. In his talk he discussed the history of Jupiter and the significance of the invention of the telescope – in Middelburg! – for our understanding of the planets.