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Terug in de toekomst

Lorenzo Benedetti, Lex ter Braak, Roos Gortzak, Rutger Wolfson


1 March 2015
11 am – 1 pm
Vleeshal (Map)

Terug in de toekomst | Lorenzo Benedetti, Lex ter Braak, Roos Gortzak, Rutger Wolfson

When Roos Gortzak became director of Vleeshal in October 2014, she was curious about how her predecessors dealt with certain issues. What was their first exhibition in the Gothic hall? How did they establish a relationship with this atypical exhibition space? How did they involve Middelburg? Gortzak decided to ask these and other questions to the three directors who preceded her: Lex ter Braak (1993- 2000), Rutger Wolfson (2000-2008) and Lorenzo Benedetti (2008-2014). Listen to the roundtable discussion here, with occasional audience participation.