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Team V

Team V is a group of young, diverse, and creative individuals with a passion for contemporary art. Each member has been selected for their motivation to learn about curatorial processes. They are coached and consulted by the Vleeshal team and learn about all aspects of working in a professional art institution. During the coming year, Team V will get a unique chance to look behind the scenes during Vleeshal’s projects while creating public programs and connecting with the full team, the artists, experts and a wide range of audience members. The members are Janna Dieleman, Agathe Ernandès, Donna van Kuilenburg, Zenana Ojha, Lucy de Theije and Sam Wigglesworth. 

The Team V program connects education with artistic programming. By letting them organize their own public program in relation to Vleeshal exhibitions, we create space for young voices.

  • Photo: Anda van Riet
