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Schilderijen Vleeshal

Jan Zembsch

Solo exhibition

3 February – 4 March 1990
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Anton van Gemert

Jan Zembsch, 'Schilderijen vleeshal' , 1990. Exhibition overview. Photo: Wim Riemens | Schilderijen Vleeshal | Jan Zembsch

Artists: Jan Zembsch

Curator: Anton van Gemert

This publication celebrated the occasion of the opening exhibition of the Vleeshal programme 1990, showing thirty recent paintings by Jan Zembsch (1953, Vlissingen). Both this edition and the exhibition form an exception to the rule.

For this edition, a sketchbook form was chosen in which a seventeen oil painting studies of landscapes from autumn 1989 were depicted as accurately as possible in color; After detailed discussion, it has been decided to reduce the text as far as possible, in order to leave the "exegesis" of the paintings and criticism to the public for the time being.