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REAL: my fuckin Kangaroo is damn right! (and so is my pelican)

Rob Birza

Solo exhibition

14 January – 26 February 1994
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Lex ter Braak

Rob Birza , 1994
'REAL: my fuckin Kangaroo is damn right! (and so is my pelican)'
Wim Riemens photography | REAL: my fuckin Kangaroo is damn right! (and so is my pelican) | Rob Birza

From the 14th of January to the 27th of February, the Vleeshal in Middelburg hosted the installation 'REAL: My fuckin Kangaroo is damn right! (And so is my pelican)' by Rob Birza.

The core of this installation is made up of the statues made by Rob Birza in the Ceramics Center in 's-Hertogenbosch (E.K.W.C.) last year. Style-wise, these fall into two groups: smooth and abstract statues, and suggestive 'kneaded statues'. These statues, which add a new addition to his work, are publicly exhibited here for the first time. The installation enhances the meaning of statues.