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Ben Akkerman, Armando, Jaap Berghuis, Han Bierman, Kees Buurman, Eli Content, Paul Damsté, Paul van Dijk, Jaap van den Ende, Jan Hoving, W. Kloosterman, Rob van Koningsbruggen, Gerhard Kuipers, Willem Lefeber, Guido Lippens, Tomas Jailich, Jan J. Schoonhoven, Pieter Stoop, Toon Teeken, Carel Visser, Rob Zweerman

Group exhibition

14 February – 20 March 1980
Vleeshal (Map)

Drawings should be viewed up close and carefully. Compared to a painting or sculpture, a drawing is a work of art with a modest and a certain intimate character. This is related to the small size at which drawing is usually practiced and to the simple means one needs in drawing: paper, pencil, pen, ink and chalk. They are not very laborious materials. Pencil and chalk in particular lend themselves to subtle nuances. Drawing is also a very individual activity.