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Tony Cragg

Solo exhibition

13 January – 11 February 1984
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Anton van Gemert

Tony Cragg (1949, Liverpool) currently lives and works in Wuppertal B.R.D. and is also a lecturer at the Academy in Düsseldorf. His work characteristically uses waste materials, especially plastics. During his education at the "Royal College of Art" in London from 1973 to 1978, he already started to collect urban society’s litter from the street.

Cragg puts together the artificial materials and figures collected by him, with the essential qualities of plastics playing an important role. All of the remains that he collects, such as toothbrushes, plastic toys, etc., have artificial shapes and colors. They are chosen by color to be part of sculptures and images that are being erected and transformed into worthless objects, after being withdrawn from consumer-disposable circles. Cragg shows us that plastic has the power of renewal and that it can even become an instrument of true imagination. Both old and new works will be exposed during this exhibition.