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Hop to Hope

Mounira Al Solh

Video/Film, Installation

Hop to Hope | Mounira  Al Solh
54 and 52 minutes

Hop to Hope is a beautiful portrait of the institution that Mounira Al Solh's grandmother founded in Beirut for people with special needs. A video diptych that portrays the people who live and work there, in a dignified and moving way.

Filmed in August 2021, during a peak moment of gas, fuel, wheat, water and electricity shortages in Lebanon, and during escalating economical crisis and political instability, the film takes a close look at the daily life and activities of an institute that takes care of people with special needs.

Situated on a mountain in Lebanon, the institute was founded by the grandmother of the artist in 1959, to facilitate a space for her son who was born with special needs, as to include him in society.

The institute is still active today, despite all the difficult living conditions in Lebanon. In 2021, at least 80 of such institutes were forced to close down, because of the harsh economic situation.


In 2015 Vleeshal kicked of its Nomadic Program, as an extension of its existing exhibition program in Middelburg. In its Nomadic Program Vleeshal goes on tour, organising exhibitions and other events in collaboration with venues in the Netherlands and abroad, such as Art Rotterdam, Amsterdam Art Weekend, the Spring Performance Festival, WIELS Art Book Fair, Brussels and Poppositions, Brussels.

This work was made possible by the generous support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Municipality of Middelburg.