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Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage

Liza May Post, Aernout Mik, Mascha de Vries, Thom Puckey, Harm Hajonides, Berend Strik, Jans Muskee

Group exhibition

22 March – 2 May 1999
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Camiel van Winkel

'Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage', 1999
Exhibition overview | Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage | Liza May Post, Aernout Mik, Mascha de Vries, Thom Puckey, Harm Hajonides, Berend Strik, Jans Muskee

'Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage' was a group exhibition with the metaphorical structure of a psychotherapeutic playground.

Themes of 'Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage' were youth trauma and childhood taboos. The presented works reflected protection and limitation, care and bondage. The exhibition title was partly derived from a pornographic magazine (Japan Bondage) showing naked and half-naked bodies that are tied up, suspended or otherwise manipulated.

In 'Holland Kindergarten Japan Bondage', pre-existing works by various artists were presented. Together, the artworks created an uncomfortable atmosphere of excessive intimacy.