Het BIJZONDER gebruik van materiaal, techniek en de kombinaties
Nora Baetens, Mathilde Cuypers, Kathy Hoyer, Danielle Keunen, Rina van Nuland, Jeltje Ratsma, Bianca Tangande, Judith Cahen, Mario Fick, G. Erla Geirsdotter, Marijke de Goey, Erna Nijman, Christa van Santen, Wies Smals
Group exhibition
27 January – 28 February 1982
Middelburg (Map)
In this day and age, it is striking that so many (young) artists are working with material in a non-traditional way, resulting in new images. The purpose of the exhibition is to be a stimulus for those who - although sometimes unconsciously - try to go their own way against the conventions. In the rush of our time, it is often women, who look at things from new starting points as a result of which they reveal unexpected possibilities and unique properties of the material. For many of them, it is a challenge to experiment with the work, in which the process plays an important role. This process means searching for, engaging with, reacting to and changing the material. These materials can be of any origin: from twigs to acrylic. Feelings and conceptions are then expressed not in the image, but in the choice and treatment of the means. It is the individual approach that is worth considering. And what is special about it is that in the process the visual effect sometimes provokes surprise and thought. It opens up new possibilities in looking at and experiencing art.