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Fire House

Chiara Banfi

Solo exhibition

24 September – 27 November 2005
Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Map)

Curator: Rutger Wolfson

Chiara Banfi, 'Fire House' , 2005. Installation image. | Fire House | Chiara Banfi

Nature goes her own way, despite furious attempts by mankind to mould her and keep her in place. The Brazilian artist Chiara Banfi (born Sao Paulo in 1979) is fascinated by the process of how nature keeps breaking free from that man-made mould, and is inspired by nature’s superhuman scale and power. Banfi’s murals depict organic life forms, reminiscent of tropical creepers, which take over the space they inhabit. The result is a fresh perspective on architecture and a dreamy, almost magically realistic experience of the exhibition space.