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The Unresolved Tension Between Two Forms of Resistance

Fernando Sanchez Castillo

Solo exhibition

4 October – 14 December 2008
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Lorenzo Benedetti

Fernando Sanchez Castillo, 2008
Installation image | The Unresolved Tension Between Two Forms of Resistance | Fernando Sanchez Castillo

Can contemporary ideas be expressed in historical symbols? Are our modern society’s attempts to strike a balance between old and new, tradition and innovation, to be called paradoxical? In ‘The Unresolved Tension Between Two Forms of Resistance’, Spanish artist Fernando Sanchez Castillo (Madrid 1970) presents a series of new and recent works in De Vleeshal, in which he displays how the depiction of history, politics, art and power in the public space and the collective memory has changed through the rise of mass media.

‘The Unresolved Tension Between Two Forms of Resistance’ marks the first De Vleeshal exhibition under direction of Lorenzo Benedetti.