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Dutch Art Institute at Vleeshal


22 – 31 May 2024
Vleeshal (Map)

From May 22 to 31, the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) will visit Vleeshal in Middelburg. The DAI is a master's program for artists whose practice revolves around research and theory. The DAI is a roaming academy and has no permanent location. The students and faculty meet throughout the academic year at various inspiring locations around the world. The group of students consists of individuals of different ages, disciplines and backgrounds, centering the program around artistic and cultural exchange. At the locations where they settle down, they get to work: over the course of a week and a half, students make presentations, take theory classes, live together and interact with each other and various experts to further develop their artistic practice.

In May 2024, the DAI will present its special program at Vleeshal. Parts of the program will be open to the public. For those interested, it is possible to join one of the program sections below by sending an email to

Public program DAI:

Dutch Art Institute at Vleeshal


Education is of great importance to Vleeshal. Its educational program accompanying the exhibitions is twofold. Firstly, for each child who visits the exhibition there is an educational assignment available at the counter. This assignment is based on the child's perception of the world. Secondly, Vleeshal organizes educational workshops for both primary school and secondary education. This workshop consists of a receptive part in which the schoolchildren or students view and discuss the exhibition, and a reflective part with a processing assignment.

If you want to book an educational workshop, you can contact us at