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De moeders van Klarenbeek

Birthe Leemeijer


26 February 2025
9 am – 4 pm

You are invited to walk with us on February 26 through the Klarenbeek area to visit all of the trees that were planted for the ongoing project De moeders van Klarenbeek. During this walk we will plant new trees and prune existing ones. Artist Birthe Leemeijer will also be present to talk about her project.

In 2010, artist Birthe Leemeijer developed this project for Kunst in de wijken, a series in which people from Middelburg could choose an artwork for their neighborhood. In the Klarenbeek area, local residents chose for Leemeijer’s project: everyone who becomes a mother in the Klarenbeek neighborhood gets to plant a fruit tree in her garden. All participants receive a tile next to their front door showing their contribution to this growing fruit garden.

Participation in the walk is free, sign up by sending an email to

Do you live in Klarenbeek and have you just become a mother or are you expecting a baby? Then you are cordially invited to join Birthe Leemeijer's art project De moeders van Klarenbeek (The Mothers of Klarenbeek). Since 2010, mothers from Klarenbeek can receive a fruit tree when a new child is born and plant it in their garden. This way, Klarenbeek grows into a flourishing fruit garden.

Would you like to participate? And plant a fruit tree that grows with your child?
Send an email to




Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.