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Cries in Concrete, Curses Curbstones, Dreams in Drywall, Rests in Rainfall

Helena Keskküla


Photo: Helena Keskküla | Cries in Concrete, Curses Curbstones, Dreams in Drywall, Rests in Rainfall | Helena Keskküla
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Dianthus: performer

Lidwien Ponsioen: performer

Rose Akras: performer

Petra Boshart: stone carving mentor

Jeanne Vrastor: technical assistant

Balthazar Glotain: dramaturgical assist

Commissioned for


Hop to Hope, a series of new works commissioned by Vleeshal

During the corona pandemic, the international nomadic program of Vleeshal could not take place as it was planned. Vleeshal transformed this program into a series of three commissions, which were granted to Mounira Al Solh, Helena Keskküla, and Rory Pilgrim. These artists were given the opportunity to develop new work, in dialogue with Roos Gortzak and Martha Jager. These new works will be presented in the following two years.

Thanks to: Roos Gortzak, Martha Jager, Luuk Vulkers, Martine van Kampen (Land Art Flevoland), Artwell Residency, Ruud Houtkooper

    Financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Municipality of Middelburg and the Municipality of Zeewolde