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Create your own program for young people at the Vleeshal!

Open Call

7 February – 10 March 2024

Create your own program for young people at the Vleeshal!

Are you between 15 and 21 years old and interested in contemporary art and cultural events? Have you always wanted to know what goes on in a professional art institution and would you like to gain experience? If so, sign up now to join Team V! Together with five other candidates, you will spend four months attending workshops and visiting other contemporary art institutions. You will get to know Vleeshal and its program from the inside. With the knowledge you have gained, you will develop your own Team V program, specifically for young people, in relation to the current exhibitions at Vleeshal on the market square in Middelburg!

You are:

  • between 15 and 21 years old
  • available on Wednesdays from 4pm - 8pm from March 20, 2024 (excluding vacations and holidays)
  • based in Zeeland

You want to:

  • gain knowledge about contemporary art and cultural projects
  • develop creative skills, such as concept development, project management, and event organization
  • organize an interesting event for young people in de Vleeshal with your team
  • further develop your communication and presentation skills
  • expand your network with professionals in the arts and culture sector

You will receive:

  • a volunteer and travel allowance
  • something delicious to eat and drink at each session

You can apply from February 7 through March 3, 2024, 5 pm through the online form. For more information, please email

This project is made possible by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the municipality of Middelburg, and the province of Zeeland.